How to Fix an Underbite

At Define Orthodontics, we help patients address any and all orthodontic concerns, including underbites. Underbites are more than just a cosmetic issue. They put patient’s smiles at risk for other dental concerns, and can severely impact their self-esteem. Genetics is usually the cause of an underbite; however, habits like thumb sucking, pushing on the teeth with a tongue, excessive pacifier use, and long-term feeding from a bottle can increase your chances of developing an underbite. However, with proper treatment, underbites can be improved to allow for regular bite function. Learn how Dr. Sodhi treats patients with underbites in our Irving, TX orthodontist office below.

Orthodontic Services in Irving TX

Treatment Options for Underbite in Irving, TX

Dr. Sodhi is your local orthodontist in Irving, TX. She has helped many patients and community members correct their underbites with our extensive menu of orthodontic services. Underbites occur when the lower jaw protrudes out past the upper jaw, preventing the teeth from making proper contact. Early orthodontic intervention may be able to help children with underbites resolve this issue before it progresses and requires more invasive treatment.

Patients with underbites may experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Eating and chewing difficulties
  • Increased risk of tooth decay
  • Increased risk for gum disease
  • chronic mouth breathing
  • Speech issues
  • Halitosis (Bad breath)
  • Increased risk for sleep apnea.

Traditional braces, clear aligner therapy, and lingual braces can be used to correct underbites in adults. Rubber, elastic bands will apply pressure to the jawbone and encourage it to realign. Severe cases may require oral surgery.

Underbites affect the shape and presentation of your face and mouth, making some patients feel self-conscious about their appearance with an underbite.

Schedule An Appointment

The first step to treating your underbite is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sodhi. She will conduct a thorough evaluation of your bite pattern and come up with a treatment plan that best meets your needs. From early intervention to support healthy oral development to solutions for adults with orthodontic needs, Dr. Sodhi has the training to provide advanced treatment options. Schedule an appointment online, and we look forward to seeing you soon.