How to Fix an Open Bite

Open bite is a common orthodontic concern that we treat in our Irving, TX orthodontic office. Open bite occurs when the teeth are slanted, preventing the teeth from touching even when the patient is biting down. Often caused by bad dental habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and excess pacifier usage, an open bite can make speaking and chewing food difficult, especially in developing children. The sooner you address an open bite, the more conservative treatment options will be available to you. Learn how we treat open bites in our Irving, TX orthodontic office below.

Orthodontic Services Irving TX

Treatment Options for Open Bite in Irving, TX

Dr. Sodhi is your local orthodontist in Irving, TX. She helps patients with open bites realign their bite patterns using a wide range of orthodontic treatment options. Early orthodontic intervention can address the underlying cause of an open bite in young patients, helping them avoid the need for extensive orthodontics later on. We utilize orthodontic appliances to help discourage tongue thrusting and thumb-sucking in younger patients. For more severe cases of open bite, oral surgery or traditional braces may be recommended.

In addition to abnormal bite patterns, patients with open bites may struggle with the following concerns if left untreated:

  • Overcrowding of the teeth
  • Mouth breathing
  • Discomfort or pain when biting or chewing
  • Speech impediments including lisps
  • An abnormal facial appearance

Children with an open bite could face speech and chewing developmental challenges caused by their open bite. This is why we recommend bringing your child in for an orthodontic evaluation around the age of 7. Even if your child still has their baby teeth, we can provide orthodontic appliances that stabilize your child’s bite pattern and prepare a stable foundation for their permanent teeth to grow into. Talk to Dr. Sodhi about the benefits of early orthodontic intervention at your upcoming consultation.

Schedule An Appointment

Define Orthodontics welcomes patients of all ages, including children, to our Irving, TX orthodontist’s office. We provide a warm and welcoming environment for patients to receive all of their necessary orthodontic care. If you have questions about your bite pattern and suspect you may need orthodontic treatment, please schedule an appointment online.